RM Bridge provides a HTTP REST web API to control BroadLink RM1/RM2 units from remote.
<b>Management Console</b>
A management console that implements the RM Bridge API and can be used to learn IR/RF codes can be found at the following URL:
After starting the web service, the RM Bridge API or BroadLink's RM Open API can be called by using a POST / GET or RAW POST request containing a JSON command. For GET/POST requests the cmd parameter contains the JSON Open API command.
To use JSONP, use a GET request together with the parameter callback or jsonp.
<b>API Documentation</b>
RM Bridge provides its own API which can be used without restrictions. The API documentation can be found at the following URL:
The Open API is subject to BrandLink’s NDA. In order to get a copy of the API documentation, please contact BroadLink directly.
<b>RM mini 3</b>
The RM mini 3 is not officially supported, but there is a workaround to get it working with RM Bridge.
For more information see: http://goo.gl/NLKxnW
<b>Applications/Projects that use RM Bridge</b>
RM COMMANDER BUILDER TOOLS Project: http://leffab.wix.com/domo-assist
- Autostart on boot
- Selectable port
- Basic HTTP authentication</br></br></br></br></br>